Why the Republic of Ireland needs a new John Bruton

With the death earlier this month of former Taoiseach John Bruton, we have lost an important and courageous voice in the Republic of Ireland. We will need a new John Bruton to appear from somewhere: a nationalist leader who will not allow people to forget Sinn Fein’s continuing support for the murderous violence of the Provisional IRA and who goes out of his way to try to understand the concerns of unionism. Bruton bravely went even further: he criticised this country’s near-sacred foundation myth, that the bloodshed of the Easter Rising was justified and necessary for the birth of the independent Irish state. Not even Micheál Martin, another rare Southern politician to regularly remind us of the unacceptability of the IRA’s campaign, has ever gone as far as that (he would immediately lose the Fianna Fail party if he did!).

Interestingly, the unionist Belfast News Letter marked Bruton’s death by reprinting his 2016 anniversary of the Rising speech: ‘The 1916 Rising was not a Just War’.1 Bruton argued this on a number of grounds. Firstly, he noted that Rising was launched on a platform that left no room for compromise or democratic negotiation. The Irish Republic was proclaimed on the steps of the GPO not in the name of “a living Irish people” but in the name of “God and the dead generations.” But obviously neither God nor the dead generations were there to be consulted. “The rights of the proclaimed Republic were not conditional on consent, but were ‘sovereign and indefeasible’. By definition, the Irish people would thus have no right to compromise the ‘sovereign and indefeasible’ rights of the Nation, which was treated, in the chosen wording of the Proclamation, as something separate from the people.”

It was in the pursuit of this “absolute and unqualified claim” that thousands of people then continued to be killed in the War of Independence, the Civil War and the Northern Ireland ‘Troubles’. Bruton quoted P.S. O’Hegarty, a member of the Irish Republican Brotherhood’s Supreme Council at the time of the Rising, in 1924: “We turned the whole thoughts and passion of a generation upon blood and revenge and death; we placed gunmen, mostly half educated and totally inexperienced, as dictators with powers of life and death over large areas. We derided the Moral Law and said there was no law but the law of force.”

Bruton noted that for every Irish Volunteer killed in the Rising (including those executed afterwards) three Dublin civilians died as a result of the fighting. “The first casualty to die on Easter Monday was James O’Brien, an unarmed DMP policeman from Limerick, shot in the face at the gate of Dublin Castle. Another early unarmed DMP casualty of the Volunteers was Michael Lahiff, a 28 year old Irish speaker from the West of Ireland, shot in cold blood on St Stephen’s Green. Michael Cavanagh, a Dublin carter who tried to retrieve his cart from a Volunteer barricade, was executed by the Volunteers. These were not ‘Brits’. They were Irishmen. They were the first to die. Their pictures adorn no public building this Easter in Dublin, but they should.”

Bruton asked if the decision to take up arms in 1916 was in accordance with the Catholic Church’s natural ‘Moral Law’ with its emphasis on the ‘just war.’ “It is especially important to ask that question now, because the Irish State has chosen to place such a huge emphasis on implanting the 1916 Rebellion as the supposed foundation event of our democracy in the minds of today’s schoolchildren. Given that one of the purposes of education is to pass on a moral sense to the next generation, it is vitally important that the morality of that decision, to initiate killing and dying in 1916, be examined by, and for, those schoolchildren. That is the responsibility of the Irish State, and if it fails to discharge it, is is failing the next generation.”

Bruton then outlined some ‘just war’ principles to ask ‘Who is entitled to launch a war?’ “Only a competent authority, or popular representatives, has the right to start a war or insurrection….By no stretch of the imagination could that criterion said to have been met before the killing was started on Easter Monday.” “War required a just cause: armed aggression or governmental policies (e.g. genocide) threatening the civilian population”. Bruton pointed out that Ireland was not being attacked in 1916; in fact the Volunteers were allowed by the authorities to drill freely, something that would not be allowed today. The British government’s policies had been in many ways beneficial to Ireland: old age pensions and social insurance, from which Ireland was a net financial beneficiary, had been introduced, and the unjust landlord system had been overturned to a significant extent. “Furthermore, the principle of legislative independence had already been won from the Imperial Parliament in September 1914 by the passage into law, and signature by the King, of the Home Rule Bill.”

“Another criterion for a just war, is that war should be a last resort, not a first recourse. All other methods of redressing grievances ought to have been first exhausted. Given that the principle of Irish legislative independence had already been conceded, in a Bill passed into law only a year and a half previously, it is hard to argue that starting a rebellion in 1916, and the War of Independence of 1919 to 1921, were, either of them, a “last resort”. In fact much of what was being sought had already been conceded, in principle and in law. Home Rule was law and there was no going back on it. For example, Home Rule was accepted even by the Conservatives as a ‘fundamental fact’, the only issue outstanding being that there be no ‘forcible coercion of Ulster’ to go in under it.”

The only open question, said Bruton, was whether Home Rule might apply or not to Antrim, Down, Armagh and Derry (and perhaps to Fermanagh and Tyrone, which had narrow nationalist majorities). “But after all the killing and dying of the 1916 to 1923 period, and the Treaty of 1921, the Free State did not have jurisdiction over those counties…Nor after the ‘armed struggle’ from 1970 to 1998 does this State have such jurisdiction today. Indeed, under the Good Friday Agreement we no longer claim it, and respect the right of the people of Northern Ireland to decide their own future in that regard.”

The 1916 rebels knew only too well the fierce opposition of Protestant Ulster even to a Home Rule administration, let alone a republic. “But in what they wrote in their Proclamation, this reality was swept aside, as it if did not matter at all…The wish of Ulster Unionists not to be governed from Dublin, was assumed by the Proclamation’s signatories not to have been a conclusion they had come to freely themselves, but only the result of ‘careful fostering’ by an ‘alien government”.

Bruton expressed his strong belief that “if we ever do have a United Ireland, it will not be achieved by the methods used in 1916.” Canada and Australia had proceeded to full sovereignty “without the suffering and bitterness of war.” He said it was not credible to say that the UK would have denied to a Home Rule Ireland the powers it freely granted to those countries under the 1931 Statute of Westminster. “The suffering of the War of Independence was thus not needed to achieve Dominion Status”, which is what Michael Collins, Arthur Griffith and the Irish negotiators got in 1921 (and which had been the policy of the Irish Parliamentary Party, heavily defeated by Sinn Fein, in the 1918 general election).

Why does all this matter 108 years after the event, when what might have happened differently is just a matter of conjecture? It matters because Sinn Fein may be heading the next government in Dublin, and they are fanatically attached to the belief that the Provisional IRA were the rightful inheritors of what they call the ‘physical force’ tradition in Irish nationalism/republicanism, and thus the violence of their late 20th century campaign of killing and bombing was fully justified. For obvious reasons, Sinn Fein are constantly linking that campaign to the War of Independence, with its democratic legitimacy rooted in old Sinn Fein’s victory in the 1918 election, and the central involvement in that guerrilla war of the founders of the two largest constitutional (or ‘slightly constitutional’) parties in the independent state, Fine Gael and Fianna Fail.

It matters because even the most moderate of unionists trace the violence of the Provisional IRA against their community back to the 20th century’s first upsurge of republican violence in 1916 (and continue to believe that Irish republicans “stabbed Britain in the back” at a time when tens of thousands of Irishmen, unionist and nationalist, were fighting side by side in the First World War). And because all parties in the Republic who claim to want a peaceful ‘new Ireland’ still agree on celebrating that anti-British rebellion, supported by a small minority of Irish people at the time, as their state’s foundational act. In the words of that most liberal and pro-Irish of unionists, former rugby international and reconciliation activist Trevor Ringland: “If you take the ambitions of the violent republican movement a hundred years ago, they certainly weren’t about including those Irish who also feel British as part of the island. The identity they drove at that time was very much an exclusive identity, as opposed to the one promoted by John Redmond and the Irish Parliamentary Party.”

It matters because the ‘north blindness’ of the 1916 revolutionaries led to successive mistakes which set back the cause of Irish unity: the almost complete absence of the North from the 1922 Dail debates on the Treaty; the development of the Free State along Catholic and Gaelic lines with zero reference to how this would affect partition; the rejection by De Valera of the 1940 offer by Churchill of a British declaration accepting the principle of a united Ireland and a North-South body to work out the practical details in return for the Free State joining the Allies in the war against Nazi Germany (future Unionist prime minister Basil Brooke said that if the choice was between Western civilisation and Irish reunification, he would accept unity); and the idiotic 1949 departure from the Commonwealth, a year before India declared itself a republic and stayed in the Commonwealth. The continuing popularity of Sinn Fein’s simplistic anti-British imperialism in the Republic (particularly among young people), rather than a more nuanced understanding of the historical intermingling of the peoples of these islands, makes me think that more such mistakes are on the way under a Sinn Fein-led government.

I may be a hopeless voice in the wilderness, but I would love to see one of the non-nationalist parties in the Republic – the Greens, Labour or the Social Democrats – having the courage to break with the overwhelming consensus in the South that ‘physical force’ republicanism played a unique and noble role in gaining Irish independence, and with the less overwhelming – but growing – consensus (again, particularly among the young) that the inheritors of that tradition can lead the way to unity. Knowing the ferocious opposition to Sinn Fein by unionists as I do, I believe this is fundamentally mistaken. I would like them to argue that such violent republicanism was always the wrong way to unite the peoples of this island, and to recognise that power-sharing in Northern Ireland along with close cooperation with the Irish Government is the way forward for the foreseeable future: the Good Friday Agreement model, in other words.

In a period of political consolidation and economic growth, I would like to see that party (or parties) adopt a policy of ‘from cooperation to confederation’, recognising that – as the Northern business leader, the late Sir George Quigley, put it – there are in Northern Ireland “two mutually opposed ‘principles of legitimacy’ which are strongly held – one nationalist and one unionist – and that some common ground would have to be found on which the divergent aspirations are transcended in a general consensus….If there is ever a new constitutional configuration for the island, my guess is that the model by far the likeliest to secure consent is the confederal model…On this basis the final agreed Ireland would be a joint, equal venture between North and South, with each having its own governance structure, and with policies related to the powers to be specifically delegated to confederal level by representatives from North and South.”

I put this argument to a meeting of Social Democrats some years ago, but it was clear from the blank faces that greeted me that it was going nowhere. Perhaps it would be electoral suicide to put such a policy to “republicanism is good” Irish voters, who recent opinion polls have shown are not willing to give up one iota of nationalist iconography (changes to the flag and anthem; re-joining the Commonwealth) in exchange for unity. I suggest that electorate also haven’t given one iota of serious thought to how the party of the Provisional IRA are going to bring about a harmonious ‘new Ireland’ that will include hundreds of thousands of abandoned and alienated unionists.

However, those non-nationalist parties might be surprised by the number of people who would vote for a party which proposed putting some distance between the Republic and the troublesome North, while maintaining a strong all-island framework for partnership and mutual action. Similarly, I believe there will be open-minded unionists who would be attracted to the confederal model as the least worst option as Britain’s commitment to the North declines.

1 https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/other/full-version-of-a-2016-speech-by-the-late-john-bruton-the-former-taoiseach-the-1916-easter-rising-was-not-a-just-war/ar-BB1hSuJP

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7 Responses to Why the Republic of Ireland needs a new John Bruton

  1. Frank MacGabhann says:

    Hust a few quick thoughts:

    Why wouldn’t the unionist News Letter publish Bruton’s speech. Bruton was a self-proclaimed Redmondite,, who transformed the anti-imperialist IPP of the 1870s into being a “full partner” of the British Empire, which you somehow fail to refer to.

    Why do you all but shout out that it is acceptable, even good, to fight for the British Empire in 1916, but not for your own country?

    “Idiotic” to leave the British Commonwealth? Irish people do not want a “High Commissioner. to London. We want to keep an Ambassador.

    “Historical intermingling of the peoples of these islands”? Wow! That is quite a euphemism for 800 years of invasions, plantations, dispossessions and killings.

  2. dgunningdes says:

    Andy, may I add my voice to yours, so that hopeless in the wilderness, we can at least be company for each other!

    And not in unison, but perhaps in the harmony of slightly different notes. 

    I do not cede ground to what Trevor Ringland calls “the violent republican movement” in my attachment to republican principles. I see in the Saorstát Éireann Constitution an exemplary expression of the republican ideal: “All powers of government and all authority, legislative, executive, and judicial, in Ireland are derived from the people . . .” That seems to me to be the principle, transferred east, that informed  Alexei Navalny, leading to his persecution, imprisonment and murder. And there it was, established in a Constitution adopted by a freely-elected Irish constituent assembly one hundred and two years ago. 

    I regret the fact that the death and maiming of hundreds of young Irishmen at Hulluch during Easter Week is so often overlooked. The gas attack they suffered, itself a war crime under the 1899 Hague Convention, was timed specifically to coincide with the “uproar” in Dublin. So too were the ‘sympathetic bombardments ‘ of Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft, in which a score of people were killed. These interventions in the Dublin insurrectionists’ ‘war effort’ were negotiated by Roger Casement, whose name is very much in the contemporary news.

    I would define your term “North blindness”, as actual indifference, behind the rhetoric, to how best to dissolve the island’s internal constitutional and political frontier.  I suggest is a consistent characteristic of proclamationism; in its insurrectionist form (1914-1916), its insurgency form (1922-23); its nazi-collaborating form (1939-40);  the border campaign form that followed the creation of the Republic of Ireland; and the provisional IRA form through which many of us have lived. 

    I don’t see the Labour party, of which I am a member “having the courage to break with the overwhelming consensus’ ‘ since it shares a father figure with the provisional IRA in the “violent republican” insurrectionist and proclamationist James Connolly. And the party has been loyal in its commemoration of Connolly despite his participation, with the rank of Commandant General, in self-proclaimed ruling junta which claimed to govern for nearly a week on the back of its putsch.

    I think Sir George Quigley’s analysis is incomplete, possibly because he was constrained by  terminological norms. There are not in Northern Ireland, or on this island “two [strongly held] mutually opposed ‘principles of legitimacy’”, there are three: one upholds the union-based state, another ( which I share) upholds the treaty-based state which is now the Republic of Ireland and a third holds both the above to be fundamentally illegitimate and affords fundamental legitimacy only  to the proclamation-based state of 1916.

    Two of these traditions could be called Irish Nationalist and the distinction between them is that one is proclamationsist ( think provisional IRA army council) and the other is constitutional ( think Arthur Griffith and Kevin O’Higgins through to John Bruton and John Hume).

    Obviously, there’s some ‘slightly constitutional’ / proclamationist ( but only rhetorically so) in the mix as well.

    I think “republicanism is good” it’s an over-contracted representation. We’ve got to unpack and not allow the physical force tradition, the armed struggle and all that proclamationist stuff to occupy all the real estate with republicanism’s boundaries. Surely champions of the treaty-based state, whether we idolise John Redmond, as John Bruton did, or Arthur Griffith as I do; neither of us apologists for 1916 and all that, neither of us advocates for proclamationism, or for force, can concern ourselves with the ‘Res Publica’ and identify as Irish republicans too?

  3. Eoin Ó Murchú says:

    For once a completely dishonest presentation. Andy totally ignores the denial of equal rights, civil rights, to the Catholic minority in the North, and suggests instead that it all began with the Provisionals# campaign.

    In reality, discrimination, sectarian majoritarianism were the hall marks of Unionist rule. Whether the Provo way was the best way to counter that is very much a debating point, but the injustice of the system is a simple fact – a fact which Andy ignores, and in ignoring diminishes the value of his arguments for a more understanding position in relation to those who support Unionism.

    In reality again, it is Sinn Féin which has an outreach programme to discuss all issues with Unionism, at least an effort.

    If we deci9de to stick in the mud of past grievances, well there are grievances on both sides. It is unreal to expect any side to condemn its resistance (Republicans) or to admit its injustices (Unionism). Such an approach condemns us to perpetual conflict, in words if not in bombs.

    • Sorry, but I was under the impression that all the demands of the Civil Rights Movement had been met by 1971, but the troubles got worse. Yes the action of the army with the Falls Road Curfew, and the Ballymurphy massacre, invited local defence, but then? Yes things were badly handled by everyone. Brunton’s “half educated and totally inexperienced,” were still dictators, and terrorised their own people. Remember the IRA killed more Catholics than the British Forces and did and far more Protestants than the Loyalists killed Catholics.
      We are living today. The question has to be how does a United Ireland become a warm house for the people in the North who are perfectly happy to be whatever we (and I am a Northern Prod) are.
      Now I left over 40 years ago and have no right to pontificate, but I still have an Irish Passport and am part of the Irish Diaspora, even though the Department of Foreign Affairs chooses to ignore us.
      So quite frankly, while I accept what you said about the past, what do you contribute to the future, and the atmosphere about reunion?

      • dgunningdes says:

        Edward, delighted you didn’t indulge in pontification: that would’ve been very confusing, even in these more ecumenically fluid times! [Enter ‘joke’ emoji here].                      “half educated and totally inexperienced” was Patrick Sarsfield O’Hegarty’s phrase from 1924, not that of John Bruton, who merely cited it.                       Beir beannacht!

  4. dgunningdes says:

    Eoin, I think the proclamationist effort, by force of  arms, to overthrow the elected Dáil Éireann government in 1922-’23  very likely had a significant bearing on now the Unionist majority governed Northern Ireland.  Of course the long attitudinal history goes back to the Reformation and the uncompromisingly aggressive tone of such promulgations as ‘‘Regnans in Excelsis’, ‘Pastor in Aeternus’ and ‘Ne Temere’.

    I’d be ‘with you’ in the view that the injustice of the system [was]  a simple fact , but I’d be with John Hume in assessing whether  “ the Provo way”, the thousands dead, “ was the best way to counter that”. 

    I think Andy’s voice in the wilderness calling, in effect for ‘A New John Bruton’ is a call from someone who understands the centrality of the Reformation and someone who can represent it to modern ears in the sort of terms you use: civil rights, injustices, past grievances, conflic and majoritarianism.                             https://sites.nd.edu/manuscript-studies/2018/11/19/we-were-here-first-a-medievalists-view-of-the-reformation/

  5. Rory Montgomery says:

    Well done, Andy, on highlighting John Bruton’s political courage and intellectual curiosity.

    As a middle-ranking official I worked with him on both NI and EU issues and always found him interested in debate and in the views of others. In later years we were in regular touch by phone and email, above all on Brexit, but on many other issues too. He read widely and thought incisively.

    On a personal level, I shared his sensitivity to unionists and his abhorrence of the IRA. However, as Taoiseach he perhaps did not fully appreciate that the role of the Irish Government was inevitably to tilt towards the nationalist side of the argument (though not excessively or aggressively) in order to balance the British perspective and reach a fair equilibrium. Moreover, bringing in republicans and loyalists from the cold was necessary, and this required making some unpalatable choices.

    We will never know if a post-WW1 Home Rule Ireland would have moved step by step to where it was by the early 1930s. Garret FitzGerald, for one, disagreed. But it’s certainly a possibility and deserves consideration. John Bruton was right to pose the counterfactual question. There’s little doubt that the Rising completely lacked any democratic or moral legitimacy, as did the Soloheadbeg killings in 1919. Without the Rising there’d have been no condign British reaction – but might the conscription crisis on its own have radicalised opinion sufficient to create something approaching the electoral earthquake of 1918? Again, would the First Dáil have been able to advance the cause of independence by non-violent civil disobedience?

    On the other hand, I don’t think it at all likely that a more peaceful path to independence would have evoked a different unionist reaction. The unwavering hostility of Northern unionist politicians and public was completely clear from 1912 at the latest.

    The key question is of course how we interpret the Troubles of our own era in the light of 1916-23. Undoubtedly there were differences, including a greater degree of democratic legitimacy after 1918 (and a clear lack of such legitimacy in NI or the Republic after 1970) . But overall there were too many similarities in methods for a comparison to be lightly dismissed. This leaves our State and the establishment parties in a very uncomfortable position. I don’t believe that the public will ever accept the Bruton view of 1916 and afterwards. For practical purposes a kind of fudge is probably the best option, together with a determined focus on the appalling deeds and the refusal of the available alternatives of the more recent period. But Bruton, like Conor Cruise O’Brien and Francis Shaw of Studies before him, were entirely right to raise a very difficult question it would be much easier to evade.

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